Tournament / WCVL Rules
- 3 males and 3 females must be present on the court at all times; in cases of injury, teams may play with fewer than 6 if they have no other rostered players. Then the ‘ghost rule’ will be applied.
- Males/females must be alternating in rotation, and prior to serving
- Males can only attack the ball from behind the 3-meter attack line. At take-off, his feet must neither have touched, nor crossed over the attack line. After his hit, he may land on or in front of the attack line. However, he may complete an attack hit in front of the attack line if at the moment of contact any part of the ball is below the top of the net. See diagrams 1 and 2 on the next page.
- If a male puts the ball over the net while jumping in front of the attack line, that is considered an attack (blocking not included).
- Side-by-side blocking (attempted or completed) by 2 males is only allowed against a male attacker, otherwise a participating female blocker must be present between 2 male blockers for the block to be legal. 2 males blocking a female side-by-side is not allowed; if two males jump together but one pulls his hands down, that is still considered a double male block
- Breaking wrists with blocking is allowed; males blocking with one hand may not break wrists
Volleyball Canada Rules that are often contested/unknown
- (Section 11.4) Contact with the net by a player between the antennae, during the action of playing the ball, is a fault. The action of playing the ball includes (among others) take-off, hit (or attempt) and landing safely, ready for a new action.
- (Section 11.4.4) Players may touch the post, ropes, or any other object outside the antennae, including the net itself, provided that it does not interfere with play. When the ball is driven into the net, causing it to touch an opponent, no fault is committed.
- (Section 11.1) A player may not touch the ball or an opponent in the opponent’s space before or during the opponent’s attack hit.
- (Sections 11.2, 11.4) A player’s foot (feet) has to completely penetrate [full foot/feet] into the opponent’s court or interfere with the opponent’s play while penetrating into the opponent’s space under the net to be called on a fault.